Monday, November 15, 2010

Cash Back

Oops, little nudity there.
Well... this movie I watched two days ago was lovely.
I really enjoyed watching it.
It's full of witt and
the beauty of the moment that last timeless.
The guy in the movie is an artist and has an ability to stop time,
and the movie poster is from a scene
when he stops the time and draws girls naked.
You got to watch this.
You will also love it.


  1. sounds not bad ~~are you just addicted to the naked draw girl, hum ??
    I guess so~LOOOOL
    Anyway I will watch it someday!!

  2. yeah... I need to see the movie...
    When I saw the post, I thought this moive's gona worng way... haha^^

  3. the post for the movie looks little stronge~ but it was a good movie~(actually, i do not understand what the movie talked about) xu~~~~~~~~~~~
