Monday, November 22, 2010

Separate Bills Please

For most of time, I enjoy dinning out with my friends from countries all around the world, but for the first few years in Canada, it turned out to be little uncomfortable when it got to the matter of payment. It might be common and usual to ask for seperated bills in restourants in Canada and in some other countries, but infact, in Korea, it is a different story. Normally, one pays all and another pays next time. In another case, older one holds more responsibility in paying than yunger one even though there are only 1 or 2 years differences between ages. In case of paying separately, Korean's idea is more likely "paying together". They just help paying by handing over some amount of money they think it's reasonable. So when someone asks for seperated bills, it just doesn't feel "right" for Korean. Some might even get angry when people do so. For me, paying separately isn't something strange anymore, but still, when I am with Koreans only, I may have to think carefully about which way I should follow. 


  1. Many Korean pay first and separate my case...
    but here,,, they usually ask separate bill..
    it was ipressed when I just came here...

  2. The same idea in China, Chinese usually pay the all bill. But if we have meals with friends, most of them are close friends, and we don't care about the little money, do you think so?
